Allie Giuliano
eCommerce Stategist at RetentionX
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    Allie Giuliano
    eCommerce Strategist at RetentionX

    Shopify Discount Code: A Comprehensive Guide

    As a direct-to-consumer brand on Shopify, discounts and coupon codes can be powerful tools to drive sales. Shopify stands out as a leading e-commerce platform, empowering entrepreneurs to efficiently manage their online businesses with features like an intuitive interface, a straightforward cancellation policy, and a free trial period.

    During economic downturns, it becomes even more important for online businesses to make every dollar count. With consumers becoming more price-sensitive, brands need to find ways to effectively attract and retain customers while maintaining profitability.

    By carefully selecting and tracking the right discount codes, brands can drive sales and increase customer loyalty, helping to weather economic uncertainty.

    However, it is important to understand the impact of different types of discounts on customer lifetime value and repeat purchase rate in order to maximize ROI. An effective discount code strategy during economic downturns can help to maintain profitability.

    • RetentionX
      Customer intelligence for DTC brands. Turn your data into actionable insights.
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      Built for Shopify Plus

    With so many options for discounts and vouchers, it can be challenging to determine which type of code is the most effective. To make the most of your discount strategies, it’s essential to analyze which type of code resonates best with your target audience.

    A Shopify discount code that offers a percentage off the total purchase amount can be applied using a promo code. For example, a discount code offering 20% off the total purchase allows customers to apply this discount at checkout by entering the specific promo code.


    • Offers customers a clear and straightforward savings opportunity, making it easy for them to understand the value of the discount.
    • Works well for customers who are purchasing multiple items or making a large purchase.

    A Shopify discount code that offers a fixed dollar amount off the total purchase amount. For example, a discount code offering $10 off the total purchase.


    • Offers customers a clear and straightforward savings opportunity, making it easy for them to understand the value of the discount.
    • Works well for customers who are making a smaller purchase or only purchasing one item.

    Customers can also receive these dollar off discounts through 'promo codes' sent directly to their email, ensuring they always have access to the best Shopify deals and discounts.

    A Shopify discount code that offers free shipping on the customer's order.


    • Can be a powerful incentive for customers who are on the fence about making a purchase.
    • Can also be an effective way to drive sales for customers who live in areas with high shipping costs.
    • Utilizing your Shopify online allows for the customization of free shipping discounts

    A Shopify discount code that offers a free item when the customer purchases one item.


    • Can be a powerful incentive for customers who are interested in purchasing multiple items.
    • Works well for customers who are price sensitive and are looking for the best value.

    A Shopify discount code that is only available for a limited time period.


    • Creates a sense of urgency, motivating customers to make a purchase before the discount code expires. This urgency is particularly effective when you're looking to sell online, as Shopify's platform offers the tools needed to quickly set up promotions that capture customer interest.
    • Can also drive increased sales during slow periods.

    A discount code that rewards customers for their loyalty to the brand.


    • Encourages repeat business and helps to build customer loyalty.
    • Works well for customers who are already loyal to the brand and are looking for ways to save on future purchases.

    It has become common practice for many DTC brands to offer welcome coupons to new customers. However, the main reason for this is usually simply “because everyone does it”. However, welcome coupons are problematic for several reasons.

    But first, what are welcome discounts? The idea was adapted by DTC brands from the classic e-commerce of multi-brand stores. There, however, the codes had a real function: online multi-stores such as Net-a-porter or similar were forbidden by the brands to give discounts on new goods. The list price had to be displayed on the site. Although this price fixing was prohibited by law, big brands like Moncler still use this tool. E-commerce retailers still wanted to differentiate themselves from the competition on price and introduced welcome coupons. This allowed them to offer customers a lower price than the list price without upsetting the brands.

    But does this make sense for the brands?

    Without thinking long and hard about the consequences, marketers adopted the system to incentivize first-time purchases. But at what cost?

    • Customers who order directly from a brand buy out of conviction. As a brand, you have pricing sovereignty. It’s not possible to buy the product cheaper elsewhere.
    • You educate customers that your brand offers discounts. This leads to hesitation in subsequent purchases as people wait for the next coupon code.
    • Existing customers are “punished”. To counteract this, more coupons are often issued.
    • And most importantly, the effect on margin and profit per customer. Coupons are not discounts on sales, but on profit!

    Using the Shopify admin dashboard, brands can easily manage welcome discounts and monitor their effectiveness with RetentionX, ensuring that these promotions are achieving their intended goals without undermining the brand's value or profitability.

    Here is a simple calculation example:

    A 10% welcome coupon requires 30% more orders for the same profit. And this is without taking into account the other negative side effects mentioned above.

    A good rule of thumb is to never offer coupons to customers where there is a significant chance they will make a purchase without a discount.

    For example, customers who are not yet overdue for a follow-up order. If this rule is not followed, there is a high risk that customers will be educated to always wait for discount codes before making a follow-up purchase. You can get this analysis in RetentionX

    One key metric to consider when evaluating the success of your discount codes is customer lifetime value (LTV). LTV measures the total value a customer will bring to your business over the entire time they remain a customer. If customers who use a discount code have a higher LTV compared to those who don't, it's a good indication that the discount is working as intended and attracting the right customers.

    Another important metric to monitor is the repeat purchase rate after using a discount code. If customers who use a discount code are more likely to make future purchases compared to those who don't, it's a sign that the discount is effectively incentivizing repeat business.

    • RetentionX
      Customer intelligence for DTC brands. Turn your data into actionable insights.
      30-day free trial
      Free plan available
      Built for Shopify Plus

    Here are some things to consider when analyzing the effectiveness of different discount codes:.

    • Type of discount: Different types of discounts, such as percentage off, dollar off, and free shipping, may have different effects on customer behavior. Analyze the impact of each type of discount on LTV and repeat purchase rate to determine which is the most effective for your brand.
    • Discount amount: The amount of the discount can also impact its effectiveness. Offering too large of a discount may lead to lower profits, while a discount that is too small may not be compelling enough to drive sales. Monitor the impact of different discount amounts on LTV and repeat purchase rate to determine the optimal discount amount for your brand.
    • Customer segment: Different customer segments may respond differently to discounts. For example, loyal customers may be more likely to respond to a discount that rewards their loyalty, while new customers may be more likely to respond to a discount that incentivizes their first purchase. Consider segmenting your customers and analyzing the impact of discounts on LTV and repeat purchase rate for each segment.
    • Timing: The timing of your discount code can also impact its effectiveness. For example, offering a discount during a slow sales period may be more effective at driving sales compared to offering the same discount during a busy season. Analyze the impact of discount timing on LTV and repeat purchase rate to determine the best times to offer discounts.

    In conclusion, analyzing the effectiveness of different discount codes is crucial for maximizing the success of your direct-to-consumer brand's sales and marketing efforts. By monitoring key metrics such as CLV and repeat purchase rate, you can determine which type of discount resonates best with your target audience and make data-driven decisions to optimize your discount strategies.

    • RetentionX
      Customer intelligence for DTC brands. Turn your data into actionable insights.
      30-day free trial
      Free plan available
      Built for Shopify Plus


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